Hello! If you don't know what Visual Kei is you can read this article on my main site.
Just jumping right into it, my favorite band is シド (SID), which this site is themed around. Excluding 眩暈 (Memai), my favorite song by SID is 落園 (Rakuen)! I enjoy pretty much all of their music so picking a favorite is a tough task and I have other songs that make it really close (V.I.P for example) but Rakuen gives me feels and inflicts me with nostalgia so it wins out.
Previously, this page talked about wanting to get more into Visual Kei and listed some bands I sorta liked. I have a much more definitive list now though! Here it is, weeded down to 5 bands:
Some other favorite songs include:
100%死んでる (100% Shinderu) by ZOMBIE
知らない知らない (Shiranai Shiranai) by XAAXAA
Necro Cinderella by ixia
histoire by Fantôme Iris
(Kichune no Yomeiri) by -SKS-ZigZag
Some VKei pages on my site!
Link Me!