

Hello! You can call me Ansehelm. Previously, I kept this site seperate from my main site, but now I have no problem mentioning it. I run OnlyWonder.net, as well as a few other sites.

I'm 21 years old and live in the Midwest US. I am an artist and really like music; I'm almost always listening to something. I listen to a lot of JRock in general but Visual Kei is my focus nowadays.

Starting in October of 2022 I started seriously collecting JRock CDs. I plan on making a page for that small collection as soon as it grows over 5 CDs (currently at 3 lol). I don't have spare money often and take picking what album to buy way too seriously so it takes me awhile to get new CDs (-_-;).

Anyway, I work part time at my local public library system, switching between two locations depending on where I'm needed. Despite being a library assistant, I don't read anything other than graphic novels/manga lol.

I don't have a guestbook set up at the moment (mine was closed due to inactivity oops) so you can leave music/manga recommendations on my Neocities profile! I'll always appreciate it!

Link Me!